Today was the day of exhibition. It was good to see all my friends again as we all met at the discovery museum. I showed off my project and looked at others. A surprisingly large amount of the crew at DFRA stopped in to say hi and support me. It was another grand exchange of "Thank you's" and last words. In all this whole program was incredible and I feel that final exhibition went well. My physical project wasn't majorly astounding, but I feel it was the message and the stories I could share with the public. I spoke about how much I loved it and that I really do see it as a career in the future (if possible). I shared my experiences with students that will be taking on this challenge next year and may have even persuaded a few to try to go with the fire department. I tried to get them as psyched about it as I have been for the past three weeks, an hopefully get them to experience the joys of working with these men and women.
Today was very slow. No calls and not really much excitement. Actually, today was a day that the fire department all got together to have a 'Goodbye' party for one of the members. There was lots of food and words were said about his accomplishments. Since it was mine and Ally's last day as well, they decided to dedicate it to us on the side. Though it was a slow day, it was a good way to see everyone that wasn't on shift and tell them that I was grateful for working with them. At the end of the day, I helped one of the guys with a practice interview for him to be promoted to a Captain. As all of us asked him questions, we gave him advice on what to fix, etc. It really felt similar to my home at AHS and almost tied all of it together. I will miss working with these men and women. It really was a fabulous time.
Today I had a call of a woman who had seized in the Albertson's parking lot. When we got there she was in her car with her boyfriend. we proceeded to get her into the ambulance. She claims that it was related to quitting drinking because she had a large drinking problem because of things going wrong in the family. She seemed to be stable in the ambulance; just going through shock. We got her to the hospital where they would then take over for us in caring for her. As we pulled back into the garage at the station, before even getting out of the truck, we received another call. We put the sirens on for once and went down Main St. as fast as possible. We pulled into emergency medical site located on Main. We rushed in looking for the patient. It was a man who started to hyperventilate while driving, he decided to pull in and stop to get himself checked out. It was nothing to run the sirens over, and well, the man seemed perfectly fine at least on the surface. We proceeded to take him to Mercy where they would take care of him.
This morning, not long after I had arrived, we got a call of a middle aged woman passed out drunk around 10:00am. When we got there she was conscious but still slurring words etc. She was on the floor covered with cigarette ash ad laying on rotting food that covered the floor. We assessed her vitals and, despite her weight or her condition, we lifted her onto the gurney. The man that was with her said that she has been on the floor for about three weeks now and wont get up because she was "uncomfortable" anywhere but the floor. We eventually got her into the ambulance and I left with the rescue truck to head back to the station. When we got back we doused ourselves with disinfectant because we had no idea what the things were that we were touching while there. The rest of the day was fairly slow but included a fuel spill call, but once we got there, we were told it was handled and so we left. The afternoon was very slow without much to do. We watched a broadcast of a PowerPoint presentation from station 1 on the tv. After having lunch and talking for a while, it was time for me to leave.
Today was a very slow day. After doing some physical fitness training, I sat at the station and worked on my project.
We started off the day by jumping into the engine and heading downtown. We went to an older ladies house to help her replace the batteries in her smoke detectors. While we were there, she gave a some cookies that she had just baked, and it was awesome. We sat and talked with her a bit to give her some company before leaving. After that, we went to the buildings surrounding Zia Taqueria, doing some pre-planning of the businesses in that area. It wasn't an insanely eventful day but it was still fun and interesting.
Today was a fairly busy day when it came to calls. The first call that was received was a car crash across from Durango High School. It consisted of a car T-boning the other car at an intersection. It was a clean crash with very little debris  and was cleaned up quickly once the vehicles were moved off the road. Once this was done and the people in the crash were assessed for injury, we left the rest up to law enforcement. Later today, we got a call of smoke north of town. When we got there, it turned out to be a controlled burn, but it was definitely getting out of hand. The man responsible for the fire had not followed his permit and lit way to many fires that ended up spreading and lighting the hillside on fire. We were not too worried about it because of the snow on the ground so a fire line was build and we waited for it to die down enough that it could be left alone. I was personally not part of this process and was back at station by 3pm, while some of the other men were out at the fire until around 8pm.
Today was a realy interesting day. We were called out to help a dangerously overweight woman out of her bed an into the passenger seat of a car. The process was crazy and we even had to take a door off to fit down the hallway of the house. Once she was in the car, we followed her in the fire engine to the medical facilities next to the library, and proceeded to help her back out into the wheelchair. While te other guys escorted her into the building, I spent that time returning lost Frisbees and balls for the kids playing at St. Columba School.
Today was, in ways, a repeat of a few days ago where I had toured the new Holliday in. I did this once again because I was hanging around with another shift that had not had a chance to view the building yet. This took up most of the day but in the afternoon I was given the opportunity to  ride allong on a transport. We left the station in an ambulance and headed toward the airport to pick up a medical team from Denver. Once we picked them up, we escorted them to Mercy Hospital to pick up their patient. We then lifted the patient from the hospital and brought her back to the airport to put her on a small plane that would then take her to a hospital in Denver. Its pretty hard seeing people having their worst days in their life but this internship is going great and I hope tomorrow is going to go even better.
Today was my first day at station 2 which is located near the Discovery Museum down town. When I got there this morning, the crew was immediately called to take care of a woman and transprt her to the hospital. The woman had fainted and was conscious when we got there. We put her in the ambulance and took her to Mercy Medical Center. After getting back to the station, it wasn't long until we had another call of a man going through a panic attack. He didn't know what was going on, nor did he know what year it was (he said he though he was in the 90s). It was quite clear that this man was in a terribly uncomfortable state and needed treatment quick to come back to reality. After observing the medical treatments that were done inside the house, we loaded him up into the ambulance. I was brought back to the station and afterwards heard good news that the man was calming down and coming back to reality. I was taken back to station 1. There I was issued the gear that I will need for the coming week, this included bunkers, and a helmet to use during the daily training routines. Overall it was a great day but I am starting to see things that a lot of people don't see and although it may make me somewhat uncomfortable, I am glad to be here and trying to help out. I'm loving this internship.